Can I be a Guest Reader?
Of course! We welcome guest readers! Just contact us to get started?
Is there any special equipment I require?
The two things you need are (1) a microphone and (2) recording software [we use Audacity, which is free to download]. You don’t need a fancy microphone, and can record on your phone if that’s available to you. If you’re interested in guest reading, our audio engineer will get in touch with you and offer suggestions to get the best possible recording. Just note that audio can take up a lot of space on your computer so be mindful.
What is the process like?
If you are interested in guest reading, we will have our audio engineer contact you. Once you discuss best recording practices with him, he will ask you to send a small sample to test out your recording space. If the sample checks out - you are free to record! Once you’re all done our audio engineer will give you upload instructions and voila! Guest reading complete!
What decision can I record?
Literally whatever you like! We can let you know if we have the decision as a pending recording or interest from another party but there is no limit as to what decision you can choose! The law is vast and we are all passionate about different things. Any decisions are welcome. They can be court decisions, tribunals, etc.
How long will it take?
That one up to you. Decisions can be lengthy and take a long time to record. The length of time required to record is entirely dependent on the decision you choose. A short decision may only take a half hour to record whereas a long decision (over 300 paragraphs) may take several hours.
Do I get paid to guest read?
At this time, the podcast is in its infancy and not in a position to pay guest readers. We hope to be in the position to change this eventually but it is not within our grasp right now.